Atlantean Master Crystals

Most, but not all, Master Crystals were encoded and will never be taken out of their Earth crystal-bed placements. They are there for a Divine evolutionary purpose and vibrational function. They are awakening cosmic time capsules, releasing data and information shifting many of you in vibrational form — here and now.

Cosmic, light encoded frequencies carrying with them a projected vibrational presence

We want you to know that your language is very limiting on Planet Earth.   Since Law is a vibration, your Soul is a vibration as well.  So we want you to feel and experience with your sensations, emotions and vibrations that which IS your evolutionary and informational process coming from the Source to become conscious of a higher dimensional part of yourself at Soul’s personal frequency level.


Your Soul’s Energy body is a crystalline structure in an energetic formation field carrying much encoded information in its library-matrix which is in a crystalline structure format. Working with your Earth Quartz crystals will assist you in integrating the vibrational frequencies of what you need to become conscious of and transform limiting emotional and reactionary patterns into light frequencies.


Are keepers and holders of information, data and are of an cosmic ancient origin dating back to the beginning of Earth’s evolutionary energetic processes. Whatever is happening to the Earth is happening to our Physical bodies in vibrational energetic form. Therefore our Planet Earth is key to awakening mankind to its physical-chemical structure, introducing new levels of awareness in its internal process—transforming old data and information. Thereby balancing life force energies here on the Earth Plane.

Electro-magnetic &

Electro-magnetic is the physical-chemical body and the Etheric-magnetic is the Soul’s energy-body and field.

Magnetic Patterns (Magnetic Emotional Holding Patterns)

All Emotions and Thought-forms have Magnetic Properties. All mental and emotional reactionary patterns that are uncompleted and that are still unconscious are not available to your feeling body of experience at a conscious and vibrational level.  Due to your unavailability to these sensitivities and your resistance to uncompleted information and vibrational magnetic patterns. 

Energy Process 
(Soul’s Energy Process)

Energy containments of the past that are not present, hold etheric-magnetic patterns still here on earth that are held in an energetic reserve for a time when mankind can be spiritually mature to acquire balance to handle with Responsibility, Divine Love & Wisdom these powerful energies of Universal, Galactic and Cosmic Magnetics frequencies.

Feeling bodies of

This is how and where the data, information will be integrated to your physical body, we will call this an embodiment, a process what you might call vibrational energetic interfacing. This will expand your awareness of yourself, others and your environment. This will shift you from a belief to the level of knowing thru feeling.  Intention is a mental process of the mind of thought, feeling creates the passion / desire and manifestation, sets the energy in motion and the level of creation.


The etheric-magnetic fields of light are increasing in frequency and intensity and amplifying mankind’s awakening to it’s Soul’s destiny, and to hold that light together at all times to become a law unto themselves.


Interfacing between your physical-chemical body and its electro-magnetic field and your Soul’s light-field which is etheric-magnetic and it is a sound/sonic-field carrying its individual Soul frequencies.  You are attempting to match the higher vibrational frequencies of a higher vibrational experience transcending limiting emotional-magnetic reactionary patterns.

Law Unto Ourselves


Limited images and uncompleted vibrations and experiences.


Quartz Crystals have the capacity of interfacing vibrational and energetic blending of frequencies between you the conscious personality and your chemical physical body and your Soul’s light body field which is etheric-magnetic and can adjust to accommodate data and information needed for Soul-consciousness and its expansion.


Our Credentials
are Vibrational

Our credentials are vibrational in relationship to this material and its content. We are simply sharing our truth/frequency/information with you this day in your time. Discern all these words and vibrations, take what you can use and put the rest on the sidelines.

(Sound and

Between your electro-magnetic field and your Soul’s etheric-magnetic field of light frequencies is operating your gravitational force fields of sound-light codes. This is modulating frequencies through sonic and ultra-sonic frequencies to adjust consciousness and your 3 Dimensional reality on Earth.

Programming of
quartz crystals

The power of your mind is capable in setting the conscious conditions to program and activate quartz crystals to set into motion the process of creation and therefore manifestation as well.

Soul Destiny

Where you will be capable to be consciously present as a carrier of your soul’s light here on earth at this time.

Everything is Sound