Soul Guidance
Transforming onto the soul connection we share some insights and guidance to accompany your personal transformations for establishing the Soul’s connection on this planet Earth
Integration Your Energy-Field becomes Electric when electro magnetic and etheric-magnetic join forces — united they become bio-magnetic — uniting the upper and lower body —thereby transcending the world of self-limitations (Self-made and Self-held limitations / Conscious or Unconscious denials). Each level of awakening is the next door way of self-discovery within the time-mind-space corridor. Thereby releasing into conscious/awareness. Whatever you are thinking - feeling - speaking NOW you are creating and manifesting Here on Planet Earth.
Ownership of your UNIFIED FIELD OF LIGHT is living in the PRESENT MOMENT with FAITH, TRUST & LOVE
There is now underway a huge, huge up-leveling of magnetic frequencies The only way you can be controlled or limited in Your Life and your Soul's Expression, is to maintain self-limiting, un-completed, emotional-magnetic holding Patterns, that are old, meaning un-completed, and reactionary patterns of limitation. These would be as follow: Your fears, your controls, and other out-dated belief-value limitations, judgements, self limitations of denial, of your spiritual powers of self-Love. A few years ago a woman asked me about "my work," which is in part, "quartz transformational crystals and frequencies," and I replied to her in this manner: This is "Our" work. When do we get started with our "work"-transformation? When do we start, next week? - next month? - next year? - next Life time. When do we take Action, of self-responsibility? We have this to say and this responsibility with these new frequencies that are coming to the planet will be totally self-reliance of new levels of self-responsibility must now be generated. This is the order of things and vibrations that are forthcoming in coming to your planet. - Earth
These would be as follow: Your fears, your controls, and other out-dated belief-value limitations, judgements, self limitations of denial, of your spiritual powers of self-Love.
Keys for Personal Transformation
Keys for Personal Transformation will be These Areas
Acceptance of what "seems" to be happening in your
process in the present moment, it isn't that you "like" or "dislike" what is happening and underway, just your Acceptance and Surrender, to what is or seems to be - the experience of reality.
Love would be the acceptance - of all vibrations, all
experiences that seem to be the reality. This concept would disengage you - FROM other situations and experiences, that - AT BEST - will be self draining, and not in your best interest.
Trusting your experience - perhaps this will be new to be explored in "letting go" of pre-programmed beliefs and conditions that no longer serve and support who you are now becoming.
Open to the present moment, in a new and expanded way, to move beyond self-contained reactionary patterns of self-containment, fears, controls, etc. & etc. This will assist you in creating a space to create and manifest your heart’s desire.
Now is the time to break out of your physical entrapment and spiritual containment - the time of being held in a sub-subservient level of consciousness.
Perhaps now is the time to open and activate and express your spiritual Powers in it's expression - its expression of self-love.
to the
Just get down to the root here.
The time is come to co-create, with your brothers and sisters worldwide - strong magnetic frequencies are now being dispersed. Dispensed. Onto the planet earth.
You will need to be open, grounded, and receptive within your physical body - meaning your mental emotional states - souls connecting together. We will overcome all self contained limitations. It is now the time to use your power of your minds. Now is the time for soul unification. Areas stepping beyond energy reactionary patterns. Areas of resistance, unresolved emotional patterns - magnetic patterns along the soul's "time line".
This Cosmic Event
Emotional-reactionary patterns have been created to assist you in Transforming - and Shifting - beyond your self-contained mental-Mind limitations, that are self-limiting, at best. And Now, no longer needed to be endured.
Breaking through and beyond These areas of self limitations-are for the most part processes of emotional magnetic frequencies that are held, and contained, within your physical chemical body, as well as your soul's energy field body. That is now affecting and limiting your central nervous system. This is also limiting your soul's expansion and evolution.
self limitations-are for the most
part processes
frequencies that
are held, and
within your
chemical body
Time-Mind-Space corridor
We will be shifting time - mind - space, and *unlocking contained emotional reactionary patterns that are now held within your energy body field. The results will be a very accelerated expansion and awakening process. This will assist you in making the proper changes in your life, that you will need to make in becoming more expressive and open, to new and elevated experiences. This is love's evolutionary frequencies in action (and not reaction).
Experiences, other embodiments, are frozen within the Time-Mind-Space corridor.
We will now open a window and a deeper level of understanding of emotions and emotional magnetic frequencies.
Diagram from Joel Bruce Wallach - https://cosmic-living.com/
Earth's electromagnetic field is now in a decline. As well as it's color-band frequencies. This in itself is challenging your physical - chemical body to open and expand onto higher levels of light frequencies. Your so-called chakra system is now being stretched, processing uncompleted emotional magnetic frequencies that are longing to be felt, processed, and completed.
As so above,
so below
Your emotional patterns that are unresolved - uncompleted, and carry, and hold "dense" frequencies, your soul-etheric magnetic field of light cannot be integration into your physical chemical body and your central nervous system until these dense" emotional patterns have been processed.
We will add these frequencies as well: As so above, so below. What this means is this: The pressure relationship between magnetic fields, meaning between chemical and electrical, and their interfacing, must be in a relationship of energy compatibility, and magnetic balance. What this means is no resistance within the mind-time-space fields of light. This is evolution in process of soul expansion.
The Soul's Voice:
Your Throat-Master-Center-Complex is a major chakra electrical-vortex that affects the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the teeth, the nose, the cheeks, the chin, the shoulder girdle, shoulders, brain, neck, muscles, thymus glad (that regulates the entire endocrine system and duct-less glands), thyroid glad (the motor for the physical body) and many other things that we will not presently identify.
This vibrational center of expression is key to the Soul's expression of energy frequencies.
It's not so much as what is spoken and stated, but what "is felt and is known as the soul's truth and its frequencies of love."
Electro-magnetic &
~ Resonance
Whatever the experience, focus, subject, or any energy issue that is manifesting itself and being created with "your expression" (voice-sound) of energy whether it be physical, emotional or mental is being experienced and played out along the Soul's personal time-line as well as along your Soul's: Holographic—Magnetic—Simultaneous Time-Space MULTI-DIMENSIONAL REALITIES (it's not just this life-time that you are experiencing- you are a multidimensional being)
Let's just say magnetic integration between spiritual and physical balance, and magnetic compatibility. We will add this - magnetic interfacing between chemical and electrical, between mind, emotions, "time-distance-mind space".
The Soul's Process
of Integration
of Light here on the Planet Earth
un-resolved magnetic holding-patterns
Anything or anyone that can make you FEEL powerless or less than you are will have power and control over you and your life-force-energies, worldly possessions and/or whatever. They will be capitalizing on your fears and reactionary patterns and controls and so on... and you will become controlled / contained at a three dimensional levels of expression.
These old, un-resolved magnetic holding-patterns are your stops, controls, self-limitations, your "stuck-ness', your in decisions and your limages (limited images-incomplete vibrations and energy experiences). All these self-energy limitations and levels of unworthiness, self-worth, self-love, energy issues of self-limiting "expression of self-love longing to be transformed."