Cosmic Encoding
Cosmic encoded crystals carry a special form of frequency of magnetics, due to their encodement at different frequencies & levels of information.
Levels of magnetic data range are from universal, galactic, and Earth. Information is to be released to Souls for specialized function & service. These cosmic vehicles can vibrationally affect all other crystals, awakening from their asleep / dormant state. This data information can be the size of an envelope to a library depending on how it’s stored in the matrix and lattice work of the chambers of encodement of the crystals.
Key Codes
Key codes will be matching frequencies, projections of codes that will link data & information and pre-set-time capsule sequence. Time capsule, vibrationally set, bio-cosmic plots of sequential pre-set by past cycles. During the ancient Atlantian times, these crystals were open to accessibility to most who could open the crystal and access the information if the Soul carried the frequencies.
Now there is a safeguard of one having the vibrational codes to access the data information & content – like your password on your computer. Data & information can only be released & received to the SOUL that holds the vibrations that can unlock the encodement of the crystals no matter the size and function. These master crystals are pre-set to be awakened within their time capsule. This awakening process we are engaged within - and we mean within - is moving through the crystal process, meaning our physical chemical body is becoming crystal in nature.
This blending between the chemical & electrical, this means we’re able to get energy frequencies direct from our light field. Not having to ingest food stuff, but manna light frequency from higher fields of created living light. Moving onto the electrification of physical matter. Quartz crystals from all corners of the world are transmitting data and information to one another in a wave form modulation of higher frequencies of magnetics.
These sound codes are encoded in sonics and ultrasonics data & information. This is the language of light. Energy encodements of the past are still here on earth and held in reserve for a time when mankind can be spiritually mature to acquire and handle with Divine Love & Wisdom, with the responsibility of these powerful energies of magnetics.
These cosmic magnetics can neutralize gravitational force fields, dematerialization of matter, space travel, dematerialization from past to future time zones, Cosmic magnetics when used in Divine order will have NO limitations.
Transference of data, to crystal is like a morse code- it’s simply at a sound level. Person to person. Crystal to crystal. Accomplished by a crystal broadcasting thru sound vibrational tonal frequency modulation, through an extended vibration field under the umbrella of higher field of magnetic. The larger the crystal in mass or size, within the most cases will have dominance over the crystalline field of light.
Crystals talk in a language that is vibrational. They communicate by sound sonic vibration – sending & receiving data information being an exchange of energy, frequency through vibration, sound or by physical transference. We will say that the receptivity of downloads will only be on an energy compatibility level of vibrational embodiment through ones nervous system physical chemical body.
This tonal sound frequencies that are being modulated are sonic and ultrasonic frequency levels. In most cases are beyond normal hearing and auditory range and personal awareness.
To receive data information from crystals – crystalline structure, one must be open and receptive. What this means is that they have completed to some degree their crystalline field within themselves open & receptive to receive. They can gain access to information through feeling & vibration sensation. This transference is accomplished by matching & blending an exchange of energy frequency information sound resonance. One might say a mirroring effect.
When we say match, what we are communicating is that the individual vibration must match frequency compatibility of the lattice matrix of the crystal to release the information to the person or other crystals for this data information content to be integrated.
This match must mirror the vibrational frequency pattern of the content data – just like a computer program for this exchange the library crystal frequencies only match a particular section – that will be all the data that can be released from the crystal.
Perhaps it is not divine timing for the additional data information to be released at that time.
In forming a relationship with any quartz crystal is only forming a relationship with ourselves and Mother Earth. We must become ONE with the vibrations of the Earth. And Some Souls are going to have access at the Universal Level, some at the Cosmic Level or higher - CREATION itself.
Keep in mind that Quartz Crystals do and can change and adjust their vibrational frequency rate, depending on what they’re interacting with: person, place, thing or another crystal. Nothing is rigid. Nothing is fixed. Everything is in movement of motion.
This interaction is between the pressure relationship between electro-magnetic and etheric-magnetic. We will call this effect the adjustment between chemical and electrical. Quartz crystals vibrate at higher frequencies of magnetics AND do adjust to lower levels as well.