
“When your mind stops judging/controlling frequency (Magnetic imbalance), “Forever Begins”.”

When we’re open, totally open, Anything and everything is possible in our lives.

Power and control issues are re-teaching us to become consciously able to be responsible in managing our own ENERGY (life- force)

Anytime “how” comes into your mind you just stepped out of the “now.”

We, as human beings – ENERGY beings— are magnetically influenced by our interactions with ENERGY “life-force.”

We put “ENERGY” in thoughts and feelings and we get “information out.” If you’re not in your own ENERGY , “you’ve got to be in someone else’s.”

“Love” is the total acceptance of all projections, all self-limiting vibrations. Love is the total acceptance of Self in that moment of action of truth.

Being solvent and self-empowering is about taking responsibility at the highest levels of truth and “its expression.” This means taking responsibility for your own ENERGY on all levels of “Self-expression.”